Friday, October 09, 2009

Presidents Cup and more!

The Presidents Cup has started on The Golf Channel. I'm hoping the US can build on its slim lead.

Two interesting stories from the Presidents Cup regarding etiquette. I always talk about turning off your cell phones when playing with a client. If you're a golf marshal, it's even more important that you shut off your phone, since your duty is to keep the gallery quiet. Unfortunately a marshal's cell phone rang 5 times before Geoff Oglivy made a putt, and ended up missing his putt. Apparently, an obnoxious fan also yelled a comment to interrupt Oglivy. In a moment of class, Tiger apologized to Oglivy, even though he was not involved in disturbing Oglivy's routine.

The other is Michael Jordan's smoking of a cigar on Harding Park. SF has an ordinance that does not allow smoking on the golf course. So, poor MJ was told to stop smoking his cigar. Remember, they're playing in San Francisco, so there might be laws you've never heard of anywhere else, but in SF.

Besides having your concentration thrown off, golf can be dangerous to your well being. In Beaufort, SC, a 70-something golfer went to a lake to retrieve his ball, and an alligator jumped out and pulled him in to the lake. In the struggle, the man's arm was bitten off! The authorities were able to kill the alligator and retrieve his arm in hopes they can re-attach it. Best wishes for a speedy and full recovery to that golfer!

Here's a tip: When going to a golf course that you've never played before, ask players familiar with the course if there are snakes, alligators, or anything else that might bite or sting you. If there are such critters, I announce to my playing partners that I don't intend to be rude, but won't be looking for their lost balls or mine. I'd take a stroke and distance penalty any time over meeting a snake and anything else that I hope to never meet.

So, beware of cell phones, non-smoking rules, and alligators! Enjoy the Presidents Cup!!

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